About the Author

I write for the readers who stay up past their bedtime, telling themselves “just one more chapter” long after the lights should be out. The ones who fall in love with fictional characters, escape into magical worlds, and crave protective heroes who would do anything for their women.

My love for paranormal romance started as a young mom reading ebooks in the middle of the night, drawn to the monsters who were more than villains—they were heroes. Inspired by shifters and fated mates, I set a goal in 2011 to publish my first book. Over 100 books later, I’m still creating the kind of stories I love to read.

Now, I spend my days dreaming up protective heroes, captivating heroines, and the happily ever afters they fight for, often while walking with my pup coworker and plotting my next book. I write for readers who love adventure, passion, and a touch of magic—because I’m still that girl under the covers, reading by flashlight, lost in another world.

~ I’d love to hear from you! ~

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~ * ~



364 thoughts on “About the Author”

    1. RE, It’s mad Lucinda who you’ve just been conversing with on Goodreads Indie Writers. I’m nominating you for the Liebster blog award,but you may already have it. If not come to my rather less sophisticated blog to claim it…Off to fight one of my characters, who’s looking like an animated corpse at the moment…

    2. I love your books…ran across them while browsing on barnes and noble. Excellent stories.

  1. Hi Kitty! Yes, Wolf’s Mate (The Wolf’s Mate Book 1: Jason & Cadence) is in the final editing phase. I expect it to be out by the end of January. It’s the first in a series of six about a wolf pack in a fictional town in Kentucky. I’m so glad that B.L. turned you my direction and that you enjoy my writing. Best wishes, R

    1. Hiya have just finished Michael and shyne my favourite yet thank you so much you are so inspiring. The soulmate passion is just perfect so are wolves really that protective? I hope so lol. Just about to start no 5 love and light indigo xxx

    2. Hi Indigo! Thank you so much for your kind words about Michael & Shyne’s book. I had a lot of fun writing that book. I’d like to think that real wolves are that protective, too. 🙂 Hope you enjoy Bo’s book! Best, RE

  2. I love your books. They are awesome. I hope you are going to do more. I cant wait for more of your to come out.

    1. Wow, thank you so much for the comment Cachel! I’m so glad you liked the books. It’s such a pleasure to hear from people that have read and enjoyed what I wrote. Stay tuned….I’ll be visiting the wiccan novellas again. Best wishes, R

  3. I just finished The Wolf’s Mate. I really enjoyed that book. I am anxiously awaiting the next book. You really left us hanging with that sample chapter. I’ll be waiting. In the mean time I’ll check out a couple others of yours I’ve just downloaded.
    Thanks for great books.

    1. Thanks for the great comment, Jolene, I’m blushing! I hope to have Linus & The Angel out in March. It’s in edit phase right now, which is not nearly as much fun as the writing phase. I hope you like Curve and Fang, too. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Best, R

  4. just read curve of claw andflash of fang both books are wonderful and i cant wait to read more of your books thank you

    1. Hi Heather! Thanks for stopping by and the nice comments! I’m glad you enjoyed both of them and hope you enjoy the other books coming out this year! Best, R

  5. Can i just say wow!!! I got wolf mate 2 yesturday and couldn’t put it down till i was done. I am already on read 3 and can’t wait for callie’s story. It is so great i think you should be on every best seller list there is. It makes me excited to see what you have instore for deaton in april. I just can’ t wait

    1. I’m blushing! Thanks, Vivian, I’m so glad you liked book 2! Callie’s story was so much fun to write and the twins? Yum! I can’t wait for April, either! Thanks again! -R

  6. I loved the two books that i read. To curve a claw and the one after it. Sorry if i got the name wrong i dont have a good memory but to be honest i really feel you could uave done alot more with them. I feel there could have been alot morebooks after. I loved every minute that i was reading and it made me very sad when i got to the end of the second and knew it was over ash and axe were great and funny characters. I would love to see more about them and the kids please let me know if you write anymore. And also im very surprisedtuat these books were free. I would hae paid fr tgem gladly. Thank you for you work and please keep up the good work and also please dont stop writing there shpuld be moreauthers like you in the world

    1. Wow, Tiffany, what a great comment! Thank you so much. I’m not sure I’m done with Ash & Axe’s story yet, so don’t give up hope! Daeton’s story is due out next, it should be ready in early May, and I’m working on several other stories as the “muses” give me the ability including (but never limited to) Griegs, Brone, the twins Teck & Shy, and Adam. I would love to be able to write a story for each of the main characters mentioned in the first two books, and am just waiting for them to tell me what their stories are! 🙂 I thank you so much for the kind words and I’m so glad you stopped by. If you want to keep updated, you can follow this blog or send me an email and put in the subject that you’d like to be notified about any new releases and I’ll send you a note. Best, R

  7. Can you please tell me when callie’s story will be out? Now that i am having to hang on my my nails for deatons story i really need to have hope that i’ll have something to read sooner than may. I love all of your books and can’t wait till the next ones are going to be out.

    1. Hi Vivian! Sorry, but Callie’s story isn’t slated to be released until the end of June! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the stories so far and I wish I could get them out faster! It’s a time consuming (but awesome and rewarding process) to write and publish. Callie’s story is one of my favs of the wolf’s series, I just love her character, so I’m excited to get it out, and I’m also excited to get Daeton’s story out, I had such a fun time creating the “place” she disappeared to. Crossing all my fingers and toes to meet my deadlines. Thanks for stopping by! Best, R

  8. Almost finished reading “The Wolf’s Mate Book One” and I desperately want to read the next one, unfortunately that’s not going to happen until B&N finally allows this amazing author to post the rest of her books here.

    I don’t want to post spoilers but I have to admit that I was somewhat shocked that she took the events that happened to the two main characters and let the effects be what they were; PTSD. Not a lot of people call it for what it is, or handles those people with the care they need.

    Hope B&N gets its head of out its rear so I can read the next!

    ~ B

  9. Just finishing “The Wolf’s Mate Book One” and I have to say that there are something that surprised me and impressed me that you called the traumatic events for what they were and didn’t let other characters treat them in a way that would only make it worse.

    Really want to read the next book, but thats going to have to wait until BN allows the books on their website which sucks at an insane level
    ~ B

    1. Thank you so much for the great comments! I’m glad that you enjoyed how I handled the situation in the first book! I hate the delay as well, but it’s unfornately part of the self-publishing process! The books have to first pass through Smashwords careful reviewing to make sure they conform to all the things that the various distributors want the books to have when it comes to formatting and such. And since they do it for free (aside from the money they make on the sales) I don’t fault them for the delays. 🙂 Linus’ story hasn’t shipped to B&N as of yesterday which means it won’t ship until possibly next week, which also means (unfortunately) that it will be another one to two weeks after that before it hits their virtual shelves. I’m sorry for the delay but thanks so much for hanging in there. I’ll post when it hits B&N. Thanks for stopping by and the uplifting words!

  10. Just in time for Final exams! At least I’ll have something to look forward to during that hellish time!

  11. I spent the last week reading the first two Wiccan novellas and the first two Wolf Mate books. I loved them all. Keep up the good work. I look forward to reading your future books and novellas.

  12. I love your books wolf mates but when book 3 Callie. & The Cats. Will available for us to read. Hopely very soon and are there going to be sered on book 1 & 2 ..I would enjoy that very very much. Robin

    1. Hi Robin! Callie’s books should hit the virtual shelves at the end of June, beginning of July. Although this book doesn’t take place entirely in Allen, there are updates for some of the characters. There are six books planned in total for the series! Thanks for dropping by!

  13. Hey R.,
    Just wanted to say that I have read all the books that you have published so far, both Wiccan stories and the Wolf’s mates and they are all amazingly well written stories.
    Thank you so much for writing and sharing them with us. Please keep on writing, you have a true gift and talent. I can’t wait to read your latest story about Daeton.
    I also find it incredible that as an author, mother and wife you still free up some of your precious time to write back to your fans on this website. You just “RULE” !

    Take good care of yourself and please keep the magic of your writing alive…
    All the best to you …. Jade

    1. Hi Jade! Thank you so much for the sweet comments! I’m glad that you have enjoyed my writing. It’s comments like yours that lift my spirits and keep me working hard. It’s no easy task juggling everything I do, but I enjoy writing so much and I’m glad I can share with the world. All the best, R

    1. Hi! Yes, Draya and Fontaine are humans. They’re just so young that although they will be in Daeton’s follow up story, I don’t anticipate them having their own story. Thanks!

  14. just down loaded book 3 yipeee thought I may have to wait longer as I’m in the uk been waiting so long….

    1. Joanne you just made my morning! You’re the first person to download Callie’s story! I’m so glad to have her book out! Enjoy!

    1. It hit the “shelves” sometimes after 4 am EST on the 9th. That wait was brutal! Thanks for hanging in there. I hope you enjoy her story. Best, R

  15. Just wondering if the wolf’s mate book 3 :callie will be available at the nook book store anytime soon. Love both of your series can’t wait for more!

    1. Hi Chrissy. I publish to B&N (and other e-distributors) through Smashwords and there is a delay due to the processes on both sides of the spectrum. As such, Callie’s story won’t hit B&N (most likely) for 6 to 8 weeks. You can download it for your Nook from the smashwords site. I hate the delay, but I love the ability to publish on all the other sites thanks to smashwords. Thanks for stopping by! Best, R

  16. Just wanted to let you know how much i have enjoyed wolf mates 1 2 & 3!! .. I cannot wait till 4 5 6 7 etc!

  17. You’re in the right direction. Each story is even better than the last. Keep them coming. I especially like the various creatures you introduce.

    1. Hi Fia! Thank you so much the great comment! I’m so glad you have enjoyed my writing. What a great way to start out Monday morning! Thanks again for stopping by! Best, R

  18. I am so enjoying your books! I can’t wait for Michaels story that’s coming soon but i also hope Bo gets a story soon! There seemed to be a hint of something about him when Linus was talking with him so i am anxious for the brilliant story you will write!

    1. Hi Mary! Thank you so much! I’m so glad that you have enjoyed the wolf stories. I’ve recently switched things up to do Bo’s story after Michael’s. If I can get my wolfish muses to cooperate, I’d love to see his book out before the end of the year. Thanks again for the sweet comment, I love hearing from readers!

  19. I loved the wolf’s stories! Your characters were so real and I found myself cheering them on. Looking forward to Michael’s story, hope there are others calling out to you to be told. You are definitely on my authors list!

    1. Thanks, Denise! I can’t wait for Michael’s story to come out either, and I’m looking forward to writing many more stories in the series after that as well. Thanks for stopping by! All the best, R

  20. I hope this is where you enter your giveaway contest. I would love to see more of Brone. I know that he was a friend of elizabeths and mentioned only in the first part of your first book but, you could really go into his story. if not brone then one of elizabeths many guards would be intresting. Oh Happy Birthday To You and have a great birthday you are a talented writer. thank you for reading this cappi

    1. Brone is such a serious character, Cappi, and I like him a lot, too! All of the guards will eventually have a story of their own, it’s just taking some time to get the muses to cooperate with me! Thanks for the b-day wishes!

  21. Just read the last three stories you’ve published in the last three days. They’ve been an amazing distraction when pain is far too much to deal with. Read the first necklace story starting at 8am and finishing about noon. Couldn’t put it down, having recently taken a history class that focused on women in the United states during that time period it was interesting to see what I learned laced within the story itself. Though I have to admit that there were one or two things that rubbed against the grain, but on the other hand I could actually see how things came about.

    Sorry its been so long since I’ve been around! Its been insane!

    Can’t wait for October!

  22. Ok, I just got the new book The Gigolo’s Bride ( the necklace Chronicles)…. I’ll more liky love it! do to I love your other books too!! 😉

  23. Dear R.E. Butler, I just love your mate books. Every since character in each book I was about to connect with them…. Out of the three books my favorite was the last one..I can’t wait for book four….. Cait wait for October to read it…….

  24. Have to admit the Mate books are by far my favorite! They’re one of the few things that keep me sane anymore. I read the first Necklace book about a week or so ago, and I have to admit it was good and I almost felt like a student in my history class again, only to turn red and shut up and blush a page later. Just purchased book two like two seconds ago. Anxious to read it after the kind of day I’ve had. Can’t wait for another Mate book!

    1. Brit, thank you so much for writing. I hope you enjoy the 2nd Necklace story. I just sent Michael’s story off to my new editor. I can’t wait for his story. I really love the wolf stories, too! 🙂

    2. Read the book in one sitting this mornjng while attemoting to gain function! I liked it, thiugh i kept thinking about certain criminology terms in this ook more than any other. When i read the last page my only thought was:

      “Thats it?! Wheres the rest?!”

    3. I try not to do cliff-hangers ’cause I kinda loathe books like that, but it was a natural place to end the story for them. I’ll be back on Norlan again next year, for Kate and Sloans stories so it’s not the last you’ll hear of Ashleigh and Eden.

  25. Hi,
    I love your books, especially the Tressel Pack series. I just finished Michael’s story, LOVED IT!!!!!!!!

    Now, I was wondering do you ever think you’ll go back to Callie and her cats….I’d like to see if how the pride turns out under her influence…lol, nurture vs nature.

    I also would love to see what happens the Trav being

  26. Sorry, I hit post by mistake. I would love to see Trav get his happy ever after since he was/is such a big part of Shyne. Can’t wait for Bo’s story.

    1. Thanks so much for your comments, Tasha! I’m so glad you loved Michael’s story. Yes, in fact I’m in the process of writing a new series about the mountain lion pride, because the men are so popular. Hmmm, I wonder why!! And I would also like to write about Trav, as well as the Traynor wolves and Fritz, too, perhaps in a short story collection. Certainly a lot of people to check up on! Thanks so much for writing! ~R

  27. Just finished reading The Wolf’s Mate Book 4! Or well I’m a chapter away from being finished. Absolutely loved it and I can’t wait for the next one. Taking a last minute vacation and wishing I had a book to take with me to read now! Love the twist you put in the novel and thought that the Breed that was introduced was very on par with what I know of the animal in life.

    1. Hi Brit! I’m glad you liked Michael and thank you for the very cool compliment! I did research the new breed characters, and try to put in some realism when I’m working with shifters so that they make sense and seem plausible. Thanks again, always fun to hear from you!

  28. I was wondering are the wicca series and the wolf mate series take place in the same universe so to speak. If they are you could do a crossover story. Just wondering. I really like Wolf mate 3 the best out of all of the so far. I think their father James should get his own book.

    1. They’re actually not in the same universe, but it’s an interesting thought. I’m glad you like Callie’s story. I am planning a series based on the mountain lions and I’m hoping to give James his HEA in the future, too. Thanks for commenting! ~R

  29. Above all i am glad to hear you.and yours are okay. I love the new wwb book and read it as the storm blew through our area. It helped keep me calm so i could help my daughter who is 18 who has never liked storms calm. We read it together so thank you for that. Hope all your repairs will be handled ok.

    1. Thank you, Vivian! I’m not too fond of storms myself! I’m glad you had the WWB to keep you company. We’re just getting started with repairs but it will be a long time coming before we’re able to enjoy the house again. At least it is still standing, there are many others far worse off than us, on our street. I’m glad you enjoyed Griegs’ story!

    1. Hi ClareBear (love your name btw!!), the next book in the Wolf series (#5) will be Bo’s story, and is scheduled to be released in early January. I’ll do a blog post ahead of the release day to announce the official date and debut the cover. 🙂

    2. Thanks :3 just read the sample on amazon and I can’t wait til I get paid now I need to read book 5! 😀

  30. I just found my answer. There will be a book 5 of the wolfs mate series In January . I read all 4 books in less than two weeks. Evidently that tells you I thought they were non stop reading material. Actually one book I can go through in about 2 days if its that good, which they are. I have so many highlights in the books. Thank you so much for enjoyable reads. I look forward to more.

    1. Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by! I’m glad that you’ve enjoyed the first four stories in the wolf series. What a great compliment, you made my day!

  31. I noticed The Wolf’s Mate Book 5 is now available to download on my Nook thru Barnes & Noble.com but I am still unable to get Book 4. Any idea what’s going on?? Thank you!

    1. Hi Tamara! Unfortunately Michael’s story is still in ‘shipping limbo’ to B&N and all I can do about it is wait. You can purchase Michael’s story on smashwords.com for your Nook (epub file) in the meantime. I really hope it shows up soon, it’s been almost two months! So very sorry for the delay!

    2. LOL, I am technologically challeged & have been trying to hold out for B&N to pull through for me. I guess it’s time to put on my big girl pants & give smashwords a try. Thanks so much, I love your books.

  32. I love all your books. I got one of your books free and then proceeded to buy and read all of your books. I’m looking forward to Teller’s, Logan’s, Ben’s, etc., wolf stories. I’m really looking forward to any of the wiccan stories, Melo, Jes, Tosh, Adam, Mishka, but I’m especially looking forward to Brone’s story. Love Brone. Then the hyena and mountain lions. So glad you are making those into series. I know the next book is coming out in February – mountain lion one, I believe? Is this correct? And if so, when will it be coming out?

    Looking forward to any book in any of the series. A new fan.


    1. Hi Sharon! I’m looking forward to getting more of the wiccan stories done as well, those poor guys! Brone happens to be a favorite character of mine and I’m looking forward to getting into his story in the future. Yes the next book out will be the first in the mountain lion series. I’m hoping to have it out mid-February, and I’ll post on the blog and FB when I have a better idea of the timing. Thank you so much for writing!

  33. Love all your books but somehow I overlooked the Hyena series Every Night Forever but I have it now and will read it later on this weekend!! The one thing I like about your books is there is no angst against the main guy (wolf, bear lol) and the girl. Some stories have the guy/girl seeing other people, etc, and all of the drama that goes with all of that. Love shouldn’t be that hard. I really like that your characters are straight forward with their feelings, they follow through with those feelings, and they are true to their feelings. Can’t wait for your next book. Happy writing.

    1. Thank you so much for the wonderful compliment! I hope you enjoy the hyena story. I agree with you one hundred percent…life is hard, love should be simple and honest and real. 🙂

  34. Stupid question time–is the mountain lion and hyena series the same or is the mountain lion going to be a separate series? Or are there more books I have missed? I’ve been having some WordPress/computer glitches and maybe I have lost something.

    1. Hi! The mountain lion series is different from the hyenas. The new series takes place in Ashland Indiana after the end of the 3rd wolf book, and follows the lives of the mountain lion males as they try to make a life for themselves. And maybe find some love along the way. I have 13 books out now, so I don’t know if you’ve missed something or not, but I hope not! 🙂

  35. From the other comment the first mountain lion book comes out in february. Yes, I do have/read all of your other books. I loved Callie and the cats. Was so proud of Callie finding and standing up for herself and her new life.

  36. Just a question.
    Do u update your GoodReads page ?
    I couldn’t find your hyena book 🙁
    Just finished it, and wanted to let everyone know how good it was 🙂
    Have a great day
    X a UK fan X

    1. That’s so sweet, Alyce! I am finishing the final proofing of the story and hope to have it out in the next couple weeks. I don’t have an official release date yet, but I’ll post on the blog, FB and twitter when it’s live.

  37. I have fallen in love with your hyenas! I’ve eager for more! I also like the lions! Great books. Keep up the great work!

  38. Hi RE. Be on the lookout from an email from Mari Carr. Not sure what’s going on but I’ve sent you three emails and you haven’t seemed to received them so I’ve sent you a reply via Mari Carr. I truly am sorry 🙁

    1. Thanks, Lexxie. I even checked my spam folder, and except for the original email of 12/22 from you, I haven’t heard from you. I would have sent a note back to the website, but there’s no “contact us” so I was at a loss. Thanks for trying, I hope it works out. RE

  39. Hi..I just got finished with the hyena heat 1 today, yesterday ashland pride 1, both excellent, I am not so patiently waiting for the next ones (HaHa) I’ve also read the wolf’s mate series 1-5(tressel pack) and the witch novellas 1-5…love them all. I’ll be reading the necklass series next I know I want be disappointed. Just wanted to let you know that your in my top ten authors of my shifter genre list with the likes of L.Leigh, C.Feehan, S.Kenyon, M.Harte, M.Rogers E.Gayle, L.Dohner, L.Dane, & L.Hunt (not in order). I think I’m a pretty good judge I have read everything each one those authors has written along with many, many more authors with you in the top so keep pumping them out and I’ll keep reading….TKS,…24/7readinwitch

    1. Cindy, I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed my books! I’m completely honored to be part of your top 10 alongside such amazing authors! Thank you so much for stopping by the blog and sharing with me! All the best, RE

  40. I have read several of your books in the last few days and have really enjoyed them. I really ike the ones with AmericanIndian influence and allt the were cultures. Keep up the good works!

  41. I have read Every Night Forever (Hyena Heat One) and anxiously awaiting the next book in the series. I absolutely loved the characters in the first book. I can’t find a release date on the second book- when do you expect it to be available?

    1. Hi Dj! I don’t have a firm publication date for the 2nd hyena heat book yet. It will be sometime this summer, but it’s with my editor now so I can’t predict for certain when it will come out. I’ll post here on the blog when I have a more firm date. Thanks so much for your awesome compliments!

  42. love all your books and really look forward to the new ones. would like a nudge when they are on line

    1. Hi Pam! I don’t have an official date for Loving Lachlyn yet, but I hope to have it out in mid-to-late August. I will be posting updates on the blog and on my FB page when I know more!

  43. I love all your books and I can’t wait to find out what happened in hyena heat two I read all your books on my kindle over and over again I even got my sisters and mother to read them but they had to get there own copies cause I wasn’t sharing

  44. Just finished last one Logan&Jenna! !!! Loved the whole series. Such s great story line and combined them effortlessly. THANKS. Looking forward to reading more of your works.

    1. Hi Jennifer! I’m so glad that you enjoyed Logan’s book (and all the wolf books!). Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and say hello!

    1. Hi Art! Amazon doesn’t offer the ability for pre-orders for self-pubbed authors such as myself. I was able to do pre-orders for the three other distributors (Apple, B&N, and Kobo) through Smashwords and it’s been lots of fun. I hope someday to be able to do pre-orders for Amazon as well.

      I don’t anticipate the Necklace series interconnecting with any other books. Thanks for stopping by! All the best, RE

    1. Thanks, Ruth!! I’m planning to keep writing in the series for a long as I’m able to come up with compelling storylines! 🙂 All the best, RE

  45. I’ve read all your books, loved them all so much, what’s next?! I am eagerly waiting for the next book, please don’t keep me waiting too long, lol

    1. Hi Jess! The next book to come out will be the 7th wiccan-were-bear book (Jes’ story) which will be out in mid-October. I don’t have a firm publication date yet but should know fairly soon and will post about it on the blog and my FB page and twitter. Thanks for your support! All the best, RE


    1. Hi Caylyn! I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed the wolf’s mate books! I don’t know when the next book will be out in that series because I haven’t decided yet who will get it! I do hope to have one out next year, but it may not be until summer or fall before that happens, depending on how the writing goes. Thanks for stopping by! Hugs, RE

    1. Hi Maddy! I do plan to write a follow-up story for Daeton which will take place in the Medes Realm, and then eventually I’d like to write about characters from her first book including Rysk and Tyrant, the two servant girls, and the centaurs. Thanks so much for stopping by, I’m glad to have you as a fan! Hugs, RE

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  50. Hello R.E. I was going to send you a thanksgiving then next month a Christmas card but your site doesnt show an address mail can be sent to. 🙁 Guess I’ll just have to post them here not as personal but if its how you prefer then its OK. I can’t wait til next month for the first book in your new series. Was bummed you didn’t have a book out this month. 🙂 xoxo Jenny

    1. Aw, Jenny! I appreciate you wanting to send me a thanksgiving card, that’s so sweet! I don’t have an address I share with the public. I would have loved to be able to get a book out this month, but the timing just didn’t work. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Hugs, RE

    2. I can’t wait for your new series its sound great. I wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving full of family, love, laughter and mouth watering food. 🙂

    3. Thanks so much, Jenny! You’re such a sweetheart! I had a great Thanksgiving and I hope that you did as well! Enjoy the new book! Hugs, RE

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    1. That’s wonderful! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. I’m writing Acksel’s now and hope to have it out in the spring. 🙂

  65. HiHi R.E. Mate of Her Heart was AMAZING!!! Loved it. Can’t wait for Acksel’s story. Do you have dates for any other books? I can’t wait, your my favorite author waiting for your books is like a child waiting for Christmas gifts from Santa 🙂

    1. Aw, Jenny! Thanks so much, you made my day! I am working on Melody’s book (Ashland Pride 3) and hope to have it out in late January. I’ll have a date ready to go in the next two weeks (hopefully) and will share on the blog. Other than that, I don’t know for now…I want to get another wolf’s mate, wiccan, and hyena heat, but don’t have any formal dates yet. Thanks again!

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    1. Aw! I’m so glad you enjoyed Acksel’s part of the storyline. I’m enjoying writing his book! Best, RE

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  70. May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill, And may the year ahead be full of contentment and joy. Have a Merry Christmas… xoxo Jenny

    1. Thank you so much, Jenny! I hope that you have a wonderful, sweet and amazing Christmas and many blessings in the coming year. Thank you so much for your continued support! XOXO, RE

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  72. Found your first book by accident an immediately had to read all 6 . Thank you for sharing your stories with us. Looking forward to more in the wolf series.

    1. I’m so glad that you’ve enjoyed my books, Adriana! I’m working on the 7th book in the wolf’s mate series now. Thank you so much for stopping by! All the best, RE

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  74. I swear you are a Wonder Woman! Not only writing the greatest books ever, but you don’t leave us hanging too long for the next fix, replying to all your fans and the giveaways, and you probably have a full schedule at home like most parents. It’s just awesome what you do and I really can’t wait for your next books to come out!

    1. Jess, thank you so much for your kind, amazing compliments! I really appreciate that you enjoy my work and took the time to stop by and share your thoughts. Fans like you are what keep me going. Yes, it’s a busy life, but I wouldn’t trade a second of it! Thanks so much! Hugs, RE

  75. I Love Your Books……Thank you for them. I would like to know why you don’t have a Coming soon or working on section on your site. I ask because in order to really find out whats coming you have to go through every book section donw into the comments to find out it would be nice to go staight to a section. Yes I am on your email list. Thanks for the books again.

    1. Hi Angela! I’m so glad that you stopped by. I…actually hadn’t thought about that! A very good idea, indeed! I’ll have to chat with the designer and see if I can add one. You’re very welcome, but thank you for taking the time to stop by and share your thoughts! All the best, RE

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  98. Hello I was just wanted to remind about our last talk on the gigolo bride that you took down for redoning the cover and you said that you can give me the epud version please because it’s not on the Nook. I have every story you wrote and it’s all there Lol you and your helper for all the book u guys do is freaken awesome haha thank you

    1. Hi Rebecca! I never heard from you! I would love to send the book to you, but I need your email address. You can contact me at my email address: rebutlerauthor @ gmail.com (remove the spaces) and I’ll get the epub file over to you! Sorry for the confusion. And it’s just me…no helper. 🙂

  99. Just came across the Wolf’s Mates series (finished book 5) and I love this series! I really loved one of the secondary characters Shayne. Will he ever get his own story? Can’t wait to read more of your books. 🙂

    1. Hi Melinda! I actually really like Shayne’s character, too. I do plan to write a story for him, but I haven’t decided if it will be a stand-alone story (just him) or part of a collection for his family with each of them getting their own story (such as starting a new series based on their family alone). I don’t see it happening this year, but certainly he’s on my to-write list. Thanks for stopping by! Hugs, RE

  100. I was wondering if James’ story will be more than a year? I have all of your books on my Nook,love them thank you.I have however been looking forward to that one the most,out of all of your series.James character touched my heart the most.

    1. Hi Mia! I hope that James’ book will be out this year. I don’t have a firm date in mind, but I don’t expect it to be out before the fall at the earliest. I’m glad you like his character, I like him a lot, too! Best, RE

  101. I was wondering why I can’t get Logan & Jenna in your Wolf Mate’s series anymore at Smashwords or Kobo? I was recommended your books through Kobo and after having read the synopsis for the Wolf Mate’s series, would ♥ the buy the series, but can’t seem to get book 6 anymore and am not looking to get through Amazon…. any chance it will re re-released as a box set so I can have the entire series?

    1. Hi Tina, Logan & Jenna’s story is available only through amazon for the next three months. It will be listed back for sale on other sites (such as smashwords and kobo) starting in October. I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but it’ll be up again in the near future. I don’t plan to do box sets at this point, but am considering it for the future. All the best, RE

  102. so glad to hear that about Jenna and Logan. Am reading Lindy and the Wulfen, and am frustrated that I am missing Logan’s story!!

  103. 1st I really enjoy your books. Read the entire Wolf’s mate series and Hyena and Wiccan Were Bear series. I downloaded Every sunset forever as soon as it came out. I’m a little frustrated, In Every Dawnyou inferred that Sydney was going to have multiples because of the drug (I was guessing triplet boys). You barely mentioned Sydney. I was looking for some closure there.

    1. Hi Julie! I didn’t mean to frustrate you, Sydney’s details were just eclipsed with Whisper’s storyline. I would like to check in with them all again, so hopefully that will work out in the future. I don’t like leaving any storylines hanging loose, so you’ll get closure in the future. Triplet boys would be awesome!! Great idea. Thanks for stopping by! Best, RE

  104. I just finished “Every Sunset Forever” and I have to say that this is your best out of all of your books!!! I loved it!! I really hated to see this story end!! I could have read a story of the rest of there lives!! I am so looking forward to many new releases in all of your series!!
    Happy reading and writing*
    Teresa Lloyd

    1. Hi Teresa! That’s an amazing compliment!! Thank you so much for stopping by, you made my day! I’m excited to share my stories, too, and so glad you’ve enjoyed them! Hugs, RE

  105. Any plans to make the rest of your wolf mate series in audio form? I have heard the first book and am interested in get the rest of the stories.

    1. Hi Elvis! I would love to do the other books in the series in audio format at some point. I don’t know when I’d be able to do it, but I hope to be able to some day! I’m so glad you enjoyed it. All the best, RE

  106. Wow what can I say!! I love Jason and Cadence!! I would love to read a sequel just about them, I fell in love with the characters! This would be a great movie or even a series. I don’t usually leave reviews on Authors pages but I had to for you!!! Love it!!!!

    1. Tiffany, I am so glad you enjoyed Jason and Cadence’s book! I have not thought about writing a sequel for them, but it is not a bad idea! Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by my site and say hello, I really loved hearing from you! XOXO, RE

    1. Hi Dianne! Yes, Bliss’s story will be coming up this year – Every Blissful Moment – is the title. I haven’t started writing it yet, but I hope it will be out this fall if not sooner. Best, RE

  107. Love all the Ashland Pride Series. Have read every one so far. Just wondering if you plan on writing a book dealing with Wes, Ray and Scarlett? If dodo you know when?

    1. Hi Pat! I’m working on Scarlett’s book right now. If you read the “coming soon” at the end of Redeeming Rue, you’ll get to see what the description of their story is. I hope to have it out this spring, but I don’t have a firm date for publication yet but I’ll be announcing that soon! So glad to hear you’ve enjoyed the books! Best, RE

  108. Thanks for updating the projects you are working on. Enjoying the Saber Series and ready for book 3. Really excited about Mishka’s and Tosh’s stories coming soon. Thanks. Love all your books. Diana

    1. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the series! i can’t wait for Caleb’s book to come out tomorrow and I hope you enjoy it! Thanks so much for stopping by! Hugs, RE

    2. I’m so glad you’re enjoying my stories, Diana! Yes, Mishka and Tosh will both have stories out next year. I’m working on Tosh’s now, and it will be #11, released after Daeton’s second story which should be out in November. Thanks so much for stopping by! All the best, RE

  109. Hi I love your hyena series. Just finished Whisper and Bliss’ stories. I was wondering if their friend Angel gets a story?

    1. Hi Jess! Yes, Angel will be getting the 6th book. #5 will be Heaven’s story, with Kross and Kayne. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the hyena series, I love them too! All the best, RE

  110. I just finished all the Saber books they were amazing! Even though Galen’s story just came out I am ready for the next story. Please tell me there will be more books for that series. We have met so many other characters that all need a story as well lol.

    1. Hi Selena! I’m so glad to hear that you enjoyed the Saber series! Yes, I do plan to write more books in the series and will release another set of four (hopefully) in the fall of 2016. Thanks so much for your kind words! all the best, RE

  111. I just finished reading The Scarred Heart..Such a wonderful book!! I love how Row takes care of Kammie!! I hated to see the book end 🙁 Wilde Creek is a wonderful series and I can’t wait for more books to follow!!

  112. I have read every single one of your books. And OMG I love them. I know that your busy writing but is there any chance that you could put out proposed release dates on the ones coming out this year. I look forward to reading your next books in the Hyena Heat, Were-Bear and Ashland Pride books.

    1. Hi Erica! I’m so glad that you’ve enjoyed my stories! I do try to put out publication dates as soon as I know them, but I can’t put out a list of dates too early, because things happen in my life and writing and publication dates inevitably change. I’ll do my best to put up the dates as soon as I can, though! Thanks so much for stopping by! Best, RE

    1. Hi Keren! Yes, I will be writing a story for Angie, but it will be rolled into a new series based on the vampire coven which I hope to start next year.

  113. I just finished reading Zane’s story in the Were-Zoo series! Once again, I am addicted and hoping for more stories!! Starting the Arctic Shifters Series today!! Great stories!!

    1. Thank you so much, Christi! I’m so glad to hear that you enjoyed Zane’s story!! I’m hopeful to get the next book up in the series this fall. I want to visit the zoo again! 🙂

  114. Just finished a dragon for december loved it & the series can’t wait to read mishka’s. I had hoped you’d write one that involved Adam’s sister was little dissappointed to see teck & shy was final in series!

    1. Hi Laura! Glad you enjoyed the latest wiccan book! Don’t worry too much about Angie, she’ll be included in a spin-off series I have planned for the vampires. Teck & Shy’s story is only the last book of the original series. 🙂

  115. Hi, I have 1-6 of your Wolf’s Mate series on my Kobo app, but when I went to look for Lindy’s book I noticed that that series is no longer on kobo at all. Is this temporary? If it’s not, can you tell me why they are off the site but your other stories are still on it? I did find your Saber series and read all four of them in most of one night! Can’t wait for more of them and especially holding out hope for more of the Wolf’s Mates, *cough*Ben, Teller, Shayne, McKenna*cough ? Thanks in advance!

    1. Hi Meg! I’m sorry for the confusion. I pulled all seven Wolf’s Mate books everywhere except for Amazon and put them on Kindle Unlimited. I don’t plan to write any more books in that series. You can find Lindy’s book on the amazon site. All the best, RE

  116. I was wondering if your new book Souther Shifters: Purred Promises will become available on all Amazon sites? I’m in Aus and I can’t get it, I love all your books and don’t want to miss out on this one

    1. Sorry, Jess, it’s US only because of the Kindle Worlds. Maybe someday they’ll share the Worlds with other sites! All the best, RE

  117. wonderful can’t wait. when will ashland pride # 6 be out saw it for pre order on amazon but I go through nook.

    1. Thank you, Laura! I have just released the pre-order links for Ashland 6 (coming out June 26), and it available on Nook for pre-order!

  118. I just found a pre-order for Shifters Hallows Eve being released on 102516. There’s no mention of titles but you are listed as a contributing author. Can you yet reveal the title of your story and/or a synopsis of it?

    1. Hi Fran! Yes, I have a book from my Necklace Chronicles series in the boxed set – A Tiger’s Bride! I’ll be sharing more details in the near future so be sure to subscribe to my blog or newsletter so you don’t miss any news! 🙂

    1. Hi Laura! I had hoped to have a section of SC books out this fall, but I wasn’t able to get to them. I do hope to have continuing stories in that series out in 2017. Sorry for the confusion! Best, RE

  119. Will you be writing about Midas? I know he wasn’t one of Elizabeth’s guys but it seems incomplete without him getting to find his mate. Having all the groups gather together to help him with his mate before the twins get their stojry just seems right since the twins are the end of the series which is crushing since Curve of Claw is the book that started me reading your books as they have come out over the years I don’t think I have missed a book yet I love them so much. Mishka and his troubles with the crazy church don’t seem over yet either with the leader and his minions out there will there be a spin off series or novellas for characters like Midas the vampire twins and the rest of Mishka’s “family” as they find their beloved?

    1. Hi Vivian! I’m so glad that you enjoyed Midas’s character. I like the growly alpha tiger myself! 🙂 Because he wasn’t (as you mentioned) one of the original lovers, he won’t be getting a story as part of the original series. I know it will be sad to close the series out, it’s been a huge part of my life for the past five years. Mishka’s coven will be getting their own spin-off series, which I hope to have a release out next year at some point. For the tiger, I also would love to see them get their own series, starting with Midas…when that will happen, I can’t say for sure, but it is on my to-write list. Thank you so much for your sweet note, it really helps me to hear the characters and stories that readers are looking forward to. Best, RE

  120. Will we be getting release date for next hyena heat series cause I’ve been waiting all year for it. I’ve been enjoying all your series & can’t wait for more in all of them!

    1. Hi Laura! I’m working on the next Hyena book (Heaven’s story) now, and hope to have it out in January. I’m not sure of the date yet for release, but as soon as I know I’ll post information about it on my site. Thanks so much for stopping by! RE

    1. Hi Nancy! Prancer’s Fated Mate came out on December 4th. You can find the buy links under the Books tab on my site.

    1. Aw, Tabatha! I do too! 🙂 I won’t be putting out anymore stories in the Arctic Shifter series until next Christmas. I hope to have at least two more to go for that series when they do come out. Thank you for stopping by! RE

  121. I just saw that the next wild creek book will only be on amazon. Does that mean this will be last book & that it won’t be available on nook?

    1. Hi Laura. Yes, the Wilde Creek series is going to be exclusive to amazon. Book 7 (Mia & Lucian’s story) will not be the last one coming out, though. I’ve got plenty more stories to go for the pack!

    1. Hi Anna! I’m so glad to hear you’re enjoying the zoo series! Yes, I have more books coming for them. Justus will be out in late April, and I have many more stories for the characters that will be out most likely next year. Thanks for stopping by! RE

    1. Hi Tara. No. Devlin’s book will be out in 2018, so stay tuned to the blog for info. 🙂

    1. Hi Jennifer, it should be November 26 and December 3 for the next two books out this year – Vixen and Cupid. I’m working to get them up for preorder in the next week, so keep an eye out for them!

  122. I am absolutely addicted to your Were-Zoo series!! Will we get to see a wolf find a mate? I feel like their group needs a little redemption after book 1. Can’t wait to see what happens next!

    1. Hi Brittany! I have a wolf scheduled for book 7. The next one will be an elephant shifter, and then a wolf will get his story! I agree 100% about them needing a little redemption. 🙂

    1. Hello Catarina! No, Vex and Rage’s story wasn’t written into the WWB series. They will, though, get the first book in the spin-off series for the vampire series I’m planning, and hope to have out in 2018. I really like their characters and am looking forward to their story and visiting with the vampires again!

  123. Hi just wondering if there is ever going to be any more books to the wolf mate series I read them all several time and keep wishing for more of them

    1. Hi Heather! I don’t have plans in the immediate future to write more books in the wolf’s mate series, but the honest truth is that I do really love that world and would like to visit it again, either with the current characters who need mates or perhaps their kids. So someday, I do think there will be more, but not in the near future. I’m so glad that you’ve enjoyed them, and sorry there aren’t anymore coming out right now. Thanks for stopping by and commenting! All the best, RE

  124. Hi, I was just wondering when you were going to continue with the Ashland Pride series? It feels like I’ve been waiting a year for information on it. Do you still plan to write about Jilly, Wyked, and Fate? It’s one of my most absolute favourite series.

    1. Hi Ashley! I’m sorry it’s been a long while, but YES I do plan to continue in the Ashland Pride series in 2018. I’m working on Jilly’s book which will be next – #7 – and also Henry & Dom’s story, which will be #8. I’ll be sharing information as soon as I’m able, and I’m so glad to hear you’ve enjoyed the series!

  125. Hey there! I had a question. Do you ever plan on possibly having a series involving Scarlet’s brothers? I just wondered because she has so many and they are all alphas which got me thinking. Just curious! I absolutely love your books. I especially love the Hyena Heat and Ashland Pride!

    1. Right?! I think that would be super cool and definitely enough for a series! R.E. is basically my favorite author so I’m obsessed with the books and characters.

    2. Thanks, Ashley! They’re on my to-write list ever since I created their characters for Scarlett’s story! 🙂

    3. Hi Carli! YES! I do have plans to write a series based on Scarlett’s brothers. 🙂 I’m planning to first close out the mountain lion series – there are five more books in that series to go – and I should be able to close it out in 2019, and then I’d love to start on that series if I can. I think the brothers’ stories would be wonderful to read and they’ve been on my to-write list since I wrote Scarlett’s story! Hugs, RE

  126. Hi
    I got a question for you> Why is the scarred Heart and Dancer’s heart not in e-book form? I wanted to
    get them that way. And if they are that way how to I get themAli

    Alice kennedy

    1. Hi Alice! Books 5 and 6 in the Wilde Creek series are part of Wilde Creek Volume 3, which is available on Amazon!

    1. Hopefully in the near future, yes! I don’t have it ready to go yet for print, but when it is available, I’ll be sure to post on the website about it!

  127. Hi
    Are you done with the Norlanian Bride books?
    I’m looking forward to more.
    Good job with all your books. I Love them all.

    1. Hi Sandy! I do have a few books to write in the series, but I haven’t had a chance to put them on my schedule yet so I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get anymore out. Thanks so much for the amazing compliment and for stopping by the website!

  128. I just saw that you’ve put wildle creek series back on b&n the beta’s heart is on there but they don’t have the hunter’s heart up on site & I saw you have it on your site here that its being sold by b&n. Do you know when their gonna put it out cause I would love to buy it to ready before next book in series comes out

    1. Hi Laura! Yes, I’m moving ALL the Wilde Creek books (volumes 1, 2, 3 & Hunter’s Heart) to wide distribution this month, I just had to wait for them to come down from Amazon so I could load them up. I’ll be working on it for the next couple weeks. I absolutely want everyone to have a chance to upload the other books before the new story comes out in September! Thanks for stopping by and checking! RE

  129. Cool love the series was disappointed when hunter’s heart was only on amazon can’t wait to get it & read it!

    1. It should be up other places soon, I’m working on getting them all out to the other sites this week!

  130. I was just wondering if you are ever going to tell a story about the tiger King Midus in the wicca- wearers series.

    1. Hi Sara! Yes I do have plans to write a series for the tiger shifters in the WWB series but I don’t know when that will happen. Maybe 2020, or 2019 if the muse is very nice to me!

  131. Hi, I just bought THE NECKLACE CHRONICLE SERIES and THE NORLANIAN BRIDE SERIES, I want to read them all again in the order you put on your website but I am wondering about Villi’s Bride (Norlanian Brides Book 4) and Dero’s Bride (Norlanian Brides Book 5). In the reading order, do they go after The Alpha Wolf’s Mate (Book Four) from The Necklace Chronicles Series?

    Now with those 2 series, I have got ALL your books and I love them all. You are such a great writer!

    1. Hi Dominique! I’m so happy to hear you’re enjoying my stories! So The Gigolo’s Bride is a stand-alone story in the Necklace Chronicles (in which the books are loosely connected by a theme – magic necklace – and aren’t related). I loved the book so much I created the series as a spin-off – The Norlanian Brides. The Norlanian Brides are meant to be read in order, with Villi’s Bride and Dero’s Bride as #4 and #5, and not related to the Alpha Wolf’s Mate which is in a whole different (non alien) universe. Hope that helps. Thank you so much for your note, I really appreciate it!

  132. hi will you be releasing wicca wear bear book 3 out in paperback as I have the first two. Also will you be releasing anymore of your books in paperback

    1. Hello! Yes, I do hope to release more books in paperback. I don’t have a time frame, but it’s on my to-do list and I hope to get them going soon!

  133. I love reading the series but the web pages are not updating. When I look at reading order it only shows up to Ashland pride series #9 but we are through 11. When i look at list of books it shows more. When I find a series I go to authors page to make sure I don’t miss one. Is there some place else I should be looking? Are you going to continue on? It would be nice to see what happens.

    1. Hello Effie, I’m in the process of updating the book pages, the holidays made everything slow down a bit! My website book pages are the best place to find the book information in one place, but you can also find me on facebook, too, REButlerAuthorPage. 😀

  134. I’m having a little trouble with The Wolf’s Mate series. I use a B&N Nook. I have found numbers 1, 2, 3, & 7 on B&N but not 4, 5, and 6. Will they be on there any time in the future? Or will I have to skip them? I am currently working through the Were Zoo series and the Vampire Beloved series. Finished the Wiccan Were Bear series and looking forward to starting some of the others. I forgot, I am also in the process of the Tails series. Thank you for sharing your talent with us, your current fans and the future ones.

    1. Hi Susan, thank you so much for your note. I didn’t realize that the digital books for that series had gone missing, so thank you for letting me know. Please send me an email at your earliest convenience so we can chat! rebutlerauthor (@) gmail(.) com (remove spaces and ( ). Best, RE

  135. Hi, I had a question about one of the mate books. I’ve been rereading all of them and remembered wondering if Shayne from Bo & Reika book who’s Jazlyn’s brother ever get his book.

  136. I love your storytelling it’s top shelf I have almost all your books. My question is why can’t I buy new book midas on b& n. Almost all your books I have are.i would like to keep in b& n if possible

  137. Hi,
    Is the wiccan wear-bear series going to be available on Google Play? I’ve read the first one on Google Play and I absolutely love it. Unfortunately Google Play is the only way for me to download books. Many thanks for sharing your amazing books! X 🙏💜

    1. Hi Lisa! Yes, I have plans to get the rest of the wiccan-were-bear books on Google Play, hopefully they’ll all be up well before the end of the year. I’m working on them! 🙂 Thanks so much for reaching out! RE

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